
After an absence which went on for far too long, we feel that our restart in 2022/23 was a success, including a full evening lecture series between October and May, and a day seminar in July.

Over the pandemic we discussed extensively what to do, and considered trying an online version, but we felt strongly that discussion at a live event is what makes FMSG a useful forum for trying, developing and discarding ideas. We did not feel that online events, with a more anonymous audience and the possibility of being recorded, offers the same opportunities.

We are delighted to announce that we have our programme for 2023-24. But if there’s anything you’d like to hear about or want to offer, do let us know (at fmsgseminars[AT]gmail.com). And we’d be glad to hear of any other thoughts on FMSG.

We very much look forward to seeing many of you over the 2023/24 series!

The FMSG committee